Say NO
to unwanted ads.

Block ads and whatever you want.
Works on both iOS and Android.

Free yourself

Block ads right on your device

Weblock app allows you to block various types of online content while you are connected to Wi-Fi (on Android and iOS) or cellular network (on iOS).

Block advertising – banners, pop-ups and video ads in most browsers and apps.

Block unwanted content providers such as Disqus, Gravatar, Outbrain, ZergNet and others.

Block tracking and statistical scripts to protect your privacy.

Manage proxy settings with ease.


Easy to Configure

Choose from our predefined list which adservers and content providers you want to block on your iOS device.

Import rules from EasyList or hosts file on your Android device.

Create your own blacklist and whitelist to block any URL, domain or IP on both platforms.


Share your configuration

Synchronize Weblock's configuration
between your iOS devices via iCloud.

Share your blacklist, whitelist and redirects
between Android devices using export feature.

#1 APP

Best ad blocker and proxy manager available for Android and iOS

Top utility app around the world, trusted
by over 800,000 users worldwide.


Download Weblock now

Weblock is available on iOS and Android.

Any suggestions?

Contact us